You Can Paint. I’ll Show You How.

Wish you could paint a beautiful flower that you saw in your neighbor’s garden or an apple with unique marks that you found at the grocery store? Or do you yearn to learn to paint with colored pencil, watercolor, or pastel?

Trying to figure out how to paint your favorite subjects on your own can be frustrating. I get it. I wish, when I was in grade school, I had a teacher that taught me how to paint subjects that I wanted to paint, rather than being told to paint subjects that I had no interest in.

With my Personalized Online Art Coaching, you’ll save time and the headaches of trying to figure out how to paint your favorite subjects from start to finish. 

We’ll focus on what you want to paint rather than a pre-chosen subject. Not only will you be motivated because you’ll be painting your favorite subjects, but you’ll also own the rights to your paintings.

Your Journey to Creating Your Own Painting

It’s all about YOU! Utilizing my over 20-plus years of experience being a fine artist and my mastery of 4 different media (pencil, pastel, colored pencil, and watercolor), I have created a framework that can walk anyone through the process of creating a painting from start to finish.

I can guide you to create a painting from your favorite subjects step-by-step so you can succeed in painting them the way you always wanted to.


$300* for a single art project

*fee is subject to change without notice.

Don’t wait! Learn how to paint the subjects you really want today!

Siti Nuriati Studio TV

I’ve been sharing my art techniques on my YouTube Channel for over a decade. You can sample my art videos below and see how I break down my painting process into an easy to follow tutorials.

How to Paint a Sliced Watermelon with Colored Pencil (ACEO Series) | Siti Nuriati Studio

YouTuber’s Comment

Very nice Tutorial format! Easy to follow for such a short video! – Mystiquecat

How to Color a Dark Green Leaf with Colored Pencil  - Everyday Beauty, Step 1 | Siti Nuriati Studio

YouTuber’s Comment

Thanks for the quick, easy tutorial 🙂 Nice to have someone get straight to the point. – Almost Athena



I personally guarantee that I will work with you and that you will get 100% support from me throughout our time working together. I want to help you succeed in your creative endeavor. I really care about what I do and my student’s success. 

It’s an honor to help you achieve your goal in life to be an artist. Let’s work together.


Personalized Art Coaching is designed by Siti Nuriati Husin, a Malaysian-born American realist painter. Her work has been published in a coffee table book in the UK and in various media in Malaysia and the United States. 

Siti believes everyone is creative. She thinks everyone just needs to give themselves a chance to explore their creative side. Her system awakens your creative spirit. It also helps you to be excited again about painting freely, like when you were a child.

Siti’s mission: help Muslim women carve out free time for themselves to recharge and achieve inner peace through connection with Allah and their creative side.

You don’t need to have any artistic skills to be in her Personalized Art Coaching. Siti will help you to unlock your creative side, gain confidence in creating your art, and encourage you to be proud of your masterpiece.

Give yourself the gift of painting. Let Siti take you by the hand and show you the fun of creating art!