Malaysia TV Interview on Rumpun Melayu Global [Malay Language]

Throwback to my Malaysia TV Interview on Rumpun Melayu Global [Malay Language]

“It is a difficult road but I never look back in regret,” said Siti, who is optimistic that her dream to become a top portrait artist will come true one day if she puts in her heart and soul.

News Straits Times, Malaysia

Remembering Diana. New book includes local artist’s Princess Diana portraits.

Daily News Los Angeles, USA

Lukisan portret Puteri Diana bawa tuah buat Siti Nuriati.

Mingguan Wanita, Malaysia

Lukisan bawa Siti ke pentas dunia.

Majalah Nona, Malaysia

Siti Nuriati Studio – Colored pencil video tutorials that are quick and easy to follow!

Colored Pencil Magazine, USA

Siti mengajar dan mendidik sendiri kedua-dua anaknya dengan pendidikan Islam. Walaupun tinggal dalam masyarakat bukan Islam namun mereka saling menghormati dan hidup dalam suasana yang harmoni.

Rumpun Melayu Global TV Documentary, Malaysia


If you’d like to feature Siti, please reach out to her here.

“How beautiful, romantic, intricate, and peaceful your art is Masha Allah. WE are the ones thrilled to have your art honor the pages of Azizah.”

Azizah Magazine Team, USA